LADRC Tool Kit

This LADRC tool kit contains numerous resources for legal organizations to download and recreate with their branding elements. The page also provides guides and quick guides to gain more knowledge on topical information related to disaster law.

Page last updated: 05/29/2024


In April 2018, LSC’s board of directors established LSC’s Disaster Task Force. The focus of the task force was to foster and promote cooperation, coordination, and communication between and among the emergency management community, legal service providers, the private bar, the judiciary, community-based organizations, and the business community to ensure that disaster survivors with low incomes receive the legal assistance they need. One of the recommendations included in the Disaster Task Force Report was the creation of an online “one-stop” resource for disaster training materials and expertise. 

In 2020, LSC launched the Legal Aid Disaster Resource Center (LADRC) website to provide additional support and resources to disaster legal aid organizations and professionals, pro bono volunteers, and disaster survivors. Within this website, a tool kit was created to culminate essential resources in one place for legal aid organizations, professionals, and pro bono volunteers to review and utilize while providing aid to disaster survivors.  

This LADRC tool kit contains the following resources. 

  • Flyer and PowerPoint templates for organizations to download and recreate 
  • Guides for legal organizations to gain information on various topics 
  • Quick guides for legal aid organizations, professionals, and pro bono volunteers to either get a brief understanding of the topic or disseminate it to disaster survivors 
  • FEMA Appeals training and resources 

The tool kit is continually updated and expanded to incorporate essential disaster preparedness and recovery resources. 

Contact Information

If you need assistance with locating materials on LADRC, please email 

Flyer and PowerPoint Templates

Flood Risk

Small Business Administration Loans

Home Repair Fraud

Floodplain Warning Postcard

Disaster Unemployment

Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP)

What can FEMA do for me?

Lost Documents

Insurance Steps

Disaster Training

LADRC Guides and Quick Guides

Disaster Tax Relief

Disaster Preparedness


Relationship Building with Other Organizations

FEMA Policies & Appeals 

Disability Rights


Pro Bono Recruitment

FEMA Appeals and Training Resources